Incorporate & Organize Your Artistic Business (eBook)


The Incorporate & Organize Your Artistic Business (eBook) guides the artist through the steps needed to set-up and protect your business.

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+ INCORPORATION. Learn how to incorporate their business (as an LLC) and have the option to complete all of the paperwork required to file with your Secretary of State;

+ BOOKKEEPING. Organize their financial documents into a coherent, IRS compliant, bookkeeping system. (Participants are welcome to bring their receipts from business expenses, income statements, and other financial records to begin setting up their bookkeeping system);

+ XERO.COM. Learn how to use and for tracking expenses and accounting for their artistic business. (Participants with Xero accounts will be guided step-by-step through the entire setup process);

+ COPYRIGHT. Submit an application to request the necessary copyright their music, poetry, script, photography, novel or other artistic work with the Library of Congress. Artists will also learn how to register an incomplete work;